I have read The End. I made it through to the end of The End, and it wasn't so bad. If you've ever read one of these books, than you'll know that bad things atop of bad things happen to these children. And they continue. This time they get stuck on an island where everyone tries to live a safe happy life, only to turn on each other, blaming it on these children. But the kids kind of take order at the end, and do the right thing, which I really just don't get. For the last 12 books, nothing but badness has happened to them, and yet they are still good at heart. They do the right thing. Is that even possible? If you take a goody goody person and mix them in a crowd of people who kill, lie, rob, and do all the 'bad' in the world, will this 'good' person become a 'bad', or will they stay 'good'? And why doesn't the author like to use paragraphs? It would drive my teacher batty if he had to read these books. It was a pretty ok book, read quickly, if you are looking for some random kid reading, here you go.