This is the second book in the 'Slightly' series. Its not often in the chick lit world that as the series continues, the books stay good. It wasn't as great as the first one, but was still pretty decent. The main character stayed the same, as did her friends. It takes place a few months after the first book ended, and Tracey meets a cute guy at the office Christmas party who turns out to be her boss's roommate. Her friend Buckley who she's had a bit of a crush on since the first book breaks up with his girlfriend the same time that Tracey gets a new boyfriend. So now she wonders if she should dump Jack and hook up with Buckley because everyone tells her that Jack is the rebound guy. I mostly kept reading this book because I was curious to see who she ends up with. It wasn't the person I wanted her to end up with. But oh well. There's still 3 more books to go so far in the series so we'll see what happens.
So I know that I've started reading this book before, I just can't remember if I ever finished it. So when I saw it at the library I thought that it seemed good and gave it another chance. It's a simple book, nothing to exciting, a quick read. Tracey is an overweight New Yorker who has a dreamy boyfriend and a crappy job. For the summer her actor boyfriend is going out of town to an actor's thing so Tracey get's the idea to reinvent herself. She get's organized, starts walking and eating less, and reads the classics. She transformers herself, on the outside, but is still the same on the inside. She deals with her loser boyfriend while a new cutie comes into her life. I liked this book because she wasn't sitting around pitying herself. It was refreshing. Most girls in chick lit books whine about their crappy life, Tracey did something about it. Makes me want to go change my life around. Maybe I'll meet some cutie guy.
I absolutely hated this book. I think it's the only book that I've ever read that I wanted to burn. Good thing I got it from the library. I might have taken it more seriously if they didn't keep using vulgar language and calling us fat pigs and morons. Just once I would like to read a health/diet book by someone who isn't a vegetarian. I don't approve of the way that animals are treated, and would like to think that if more people stopped eating meat, then it would make a difference, but I just don't see that happening. They make dairy sound like the most evil thing you could put in your body. No other animal eats milk from other animals. The milk industry tells us lies saying that milk is good for us when really it isn't, just so they can make money. Sounds about right, but I still believe that dairy is good for us. I like cheese. I'm eating a cheese pizza as I write. My favorite was when they said that coffee makes your breath smell like ass. Good thing I don't drink coffee. This book did have some helpful stuff, if you are interested in becoming a vegetarian, but its always very gross, how they have a whole chapter that tells all about slaughterhouses and stuff. Some good night time reading there. I'll sum up the book so you don't have to spend money on it. According to the authors, you can only drink water and 100% juice, you can only eat fruits, veggies, and whole grains. And exercise. There you go. In a few simple steps you to can become a Skinny Bitch. If you do read it, be prepared for some inappropriate language. I thought it was funny how at the end of the book the authors said that they weren't really bitches, but this book really makes them sound like it. Check out the video clip on the Barnes And Nobles web site. They seem to think it was ok to call us fat pigs.