I decided to read all of the Sue Grafton mysteries from A-Z, but the library didn't have the first two, so I had to start with C, which I was pretty sure that I had read before, and now reading it again, I know that I had, oh well. I couldn't remember who the killer was, but figured it out pretty quickly this time. Something is starting to bother me with all these mysteries that I'm reading. I know that they are all fiction and for entertainment, but what if there actually were this many killers out in the world. Ones that would take you down for sleeping with your wife or husband. Seems a bit bothersome to me. Clearly one of life's lessons to learn is to not sleep with a married person, because you might end up dead. Keep that in mind.
I have read all of Sue Grafton's A-Z to date she is brilliant, and Kinsey is like an old friend.
I'm sold on this series.
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