North River

This is
a story about a doctor during the Depression who helps everyone, regardless if they can pay him or not. He's a good guy who's wife disappeared, and his daughter dumps off his grandchild while she searches for the father. Since he can't take care of the child on his own, he hires a nanny-type person, only to find love again. It's a good story, I was very into it until about half way when I just wanted it to end because I couldn't really figure out the direction the writer was going in. I've been wanting to read this since last year and finally it dawned on me that the library might have a copy, and they did. Why didn't I think of that sooner? I have another book by this author called Forever and its super long and kind a boring so its going to take me Forever to read it.
1 comment:
sounds like a good story:)
shall read.
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