Thursday, June 19, 2008

Enter Whining

Cover Image I've been a Fran Drescher fan for years. I used to love The Nanny and would try to imitate her nasal laugh for some reason. I thought that she was funny and stylish. I few years ago I read her other book Cancer Schmancer, probably because the bookstore didn't have this one. A few weeks ago I found out that they replay episodes of her show at 4 am, which of course I'm awake, and was reminded of this book so I checked it out from the library.

It doesn't go through her whole life, mostly this book is just about her life as an actor, how she got started, and all the ups and downs it takes trying to make it in the showbiz world. It had lots of a pictures, which I loved. Most books about stars never have enough pics. She even put in ones from back when she was chubby. It was good. The chapters are short and it was funny enough that I read like half of it last night and the rest of it just now. If you are a fan of hers, I say read this.

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