Here If You Need Me
I love the cover of this book, its what caught my eye. And the fact that it takes place in Maine, was another reason. Its a bit religious, and I think when I bought it I was looking for something along those lines. Its a true story about Kate who's husband dies and she becomes a minister, something her husband was going to do. She becomes a Maine Warden Service chaplain, which means that she goes with the police to find missing people, and if they show up dead, she prays to the dead body so that it leaves the world in peace. It was a good book. Short, kind of a fast read. There wasn't a whole lot of dialog, mostly it is just telling the story of how her husband died, why she became a minister, and some of the searches that she went on. Some of the stories about how the people were murdered where a little disturbing, but it was also a little bit comforting to know that someone is there to give them a good goodbye.
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