I love Cecelia Ahern's stuff. Her books are always magical and touching and can make you laugh and cry. But with this one, I didn't really get that feeling. I kind of felt like her editor wanted her to write a holiday book and she kind of just made this story up. Its a little confusing. The story is about a cop who is telling a kid the store about Lou who is a busy, busy man, and always needs to be in two places at one time. One day Lou gives a homeless man a cup of coffee and later decides to give the man Gabe at job at his work. Something is a little off about Gabe. He always seems to be there, even when he should be elsewhere. One night Gabe lets Lou in on his secret, he gives him a pill which has a cloning effect and allows him to be in two places at once. Lou takes advantage of this gift, but learns that work isn't everything and realizes that he needs to spend more time with his family. About the time he realizes this, something tragic happens to him. I really didn't like the Lou character, kind of felt like she didn't know if he was suppose to be a nice guy or an ass. All in all, this is my least favorite of her books, and I've enjoyed all of her books. Read it if you want, but you won't be missing to much.
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