Ever since she was in the Spice Girls, I've been fascinated with Victoria Beckham. Its kind of hard not to be. Have you seen her husband? And she's known for her fashion. And there's rumors. I swear, I heard one once where the husband wanted her to remove a rib or something so that she will be thinner. I don't think that's true. Anyway, a friend of mine gave me a bunch of old magazines and there was one with an article about Victoria and it talks about this book. So I checked it out. I have very little fashion sense. I have enough to know that wearing stripes and dots and hot pink and other tacky colors look bad on me, and most people. I like fashion. I just can't afford it. That's what happens when you spend all your money on food. That's definitely one of my goals for the new year, to start taking better care of what I'm wearing. Get a bra that fits right as a pair of jeans that aren't baggy. I know that I'll never be comfy in dresses, so I need to play up jeans. In this book she says that she always wears jeans, which doesn't make sense because I never see photos of her in jeans. Shes always in dresses. Anyone can read this book. There's even a section for pregnant women. My only beef with it was that all the places she lists to buy clothes are the more pricier stores. Of course, you can't really expect her to shop at Target or Walmart. Other than that, I found it helpful. So check it out.
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