I've never read this book even though its suppose to be the greatest love story ever (next to Romeo and Juliet). Maybe I'm just bitter about love (which I am, because it always burns me), but really, I thought that Allie wasn't good enough for Noah. He's a shy, sensitive, good guy who has only ever really loved her, and she claims that she loves him (which I believe she did), but was engaged to someone else. Why wait 14 years ( I think it was) to go find the one you really love? Now days it would be a little easier because we have things like Facebook and email, but still. At least he tried to stay in contact with her by writing her letters. And I know that its not her fault that her mother took them before Allie could read them, but that's no excuse. No, I didn't cry when I read it. Yes, I probably will when I watch the movie (maybe, I'll let you know).
Should you read this book? Who am I kidding, you probably already have.
You haven't watched the movie yet either?
I saw the movie way back when it first came out. I have it sitting by my TV waiting for me to watch it. Probably do that this weekend.
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