I've been on a book spending spree lately. Whenever I go to Winco, Fred Meyers, Target, or Walmart I always look at the book selection. Something I really don't need to be doing. Oh well. What's done is done. I picked up this one because I liked the cover (purple is pretty) and frankly, it seemed like the most interesting to me at the time.
I liked it. Don't let the hearts and girly cover fool you. While a bunch of people fall in love, it's more of a mystery novel. It's about Lucy Valentine who's dad runs a matchmaking service, and when he goes out of town for some recovery, he asks Lucy to take over. What makes the Valentine's so special for this line of business that they can feel people's auras, everyone except Lucy who has her own gift. When she touches someone's hand she can see what they are missing. First day on the job she shakes the hand of a client and sees a dead body. Curious about finding out what happened, she and cute (or says the book) P.I. guy upstairs try to solve the mystery. Of course they fall in love while they do so.
While it does talk about romance, it's not cheesy. Or gooey. It was a good book. I just hated the ended, because while everyone had a happy ending, it just kind of ended suddenly. Like it's suppose to be a cliffhanger to get you to read the next book. Maybe someday when I'm at Walmart and see it, I might pick it up.
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